It’s about unconditional love <3 Beloved<3

I know that people really don’t believe in unconditional love. But, it does exist. I would like to share more on that. I am going to start by talking about being beloved.

I am going to explain the word BELOVED: as it is mentioned in the Bible. God said that we are His beloved,that is so deep and stirring.

Beloved in Hebrew-הֶאָהוּב (he-ahuv)

in Hebrew means ‘beloved’ literally (derived from the root ’hb, ‘love’.) It is often used of people but can be used of other things too. A common pet name for one’s lover is ahuvi (m) or ahuvati (f), ‘my ahuv’. Works nicely in literary or informal contexts. This word, additionally, is the one that could stand on its own (as an adjective standing for a noun) the best. (Definite: he-ahuv.)

Beloved in Greek-Agapetos

in Greek means beloved, esteemed, dear, favourite, worthy of love

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.

Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. 1 John 3:1-2 ESV

One of my favorite words in the Bible is the word beloved. It doesn’t appear in every version, but I think it’s a correct word for a key principle God is trying to teach us about His kind of love.

Often one of the hardest things for a person to do is to accept unconditional love. Perhaps it’s because the world is so void of that kind of love. The world often displays a love that is contingent on the recipient’s behavior or form of repayment of the love. It is a give and take kind of love…a “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” kind of trade-off for love. Sadly, many marriages share this kind of conditional love, where spouses agree to love each other as long as they are given equal or greater love in exchange.

That is not at all, however, the love of God the Bible teaches. The word beloved in the previous verse literally means “ beloved, esteemed, dear, favorite, worthy of love”. It’s a word indicating an action on the part of the one doing the loving. The God of the universe, the same God who paints a sunset, shapes a mountain and plans the waves at the beach, has chosen to love us, not because of who we are, but because of who He is. Our role in this is to BE-LOVED.

Are you struggling to accept that kind of unconditional love? Have the circumstances of life caused you to question God’s love? Will you do me a favor? Take some time today to read Job chapters 38-42. Job was experiencing more heartache than any person should ever experience and he was questioning his situation and ultimately God’s love for him at the time. In these chapters, God answers his dilemma. It’s a challenging and encouraging read.

You and I may never fully comprehend the love of God, but for today we can be encouraged that we have been called “beloved” and we can anticipate learning about and receiving more of His kind of love.

In the New Testament “beloved” used exclusively of Divine and Christian love, an affection begotten in the community of the new spiritual life in Christ, e.g. “beloved in the Lord” (Romans 16:8). The beauty, unity, endearment of this love is historically unique, being peculiarly Christian. “Brethren” in Christ are “beloved” (1 Thessalonians 1:4 1; Corinthians 15:58 ;James 1:16; James 2:5). Many individuals are specified by name: Timothy (2 Timothy 1:2); Philemon (Philemon 1:1); Amplias, Urbane, Stachys, Persis (Romans 16:8, 9, 12), etc. The aged John is the conspicuous New Testament illustration of the depth and tenderness of Christian love. In his epistles alone he addresses his disciples 12 times as “beloved.” Paul terms “God’s elect” “holy and beloved” (Colossians 3:12).

The term rises to still Diviner significance as an epithet of Christ, whom Paul, grateful for His “freely bestowed” grace, terms “the Beloved.” This is the word used repeatedly to express God the Father‘s infinite affection for Jesus His “beloved Son” (Matthew 3:17; Matthew 12:18; Matthew 17:5 Mark 1:11; Mark 9:7 Luke 3:22; Luke 20:13).

So through it all remember that you are loved deeply and unconditionally. Times and things might not always be easy or appear that you are not alone in this life. But, I can tell you from my life and experiences that God is always there even when we can’t see or feel Him.


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Awakened Bride

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